
Youth Ministry (English)​

If you are between age 17 to 25, you are welcome to join the Youth Ministry and be a part of a community that grows with you.
  • Every Saturdays
  • Time: 4:00 – 6:00pm
  • Contact person: Ps Alvin 93253189
A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another. (John 13:34-35)

Youth Ministry (Chinese)

We are a group of youths (aged 18-25 years old) passionate about learning about God’s Word and serving the church. Through Bible study, mentoring, bonding activities, visitations to church members, Mission trips, etc., we hope to grow more Christ-like and live out our roles as salt and light in the world.
  • Every Sundays
  • Time: 11:15am – 1:00pm
  • Contact person: Ps Zhihui 84316960

Pentecost Fellowship​

  • 1st Tuesday – Mandarin
  • 2nd Tuesday – Cantonese
  • 3rd Tuesday  – Hokkien
  • 4th & 5th (if there is) Tuesday – No Pentecost Fellowship​
  • Time: 10:00am
  • Location: Level 3 sanctuary of FMC.
Members with pre-believing elderly at home are welcome to bring them to Pentecost Fellowship for gospel message. For more details, please contact Chai Yoon @ 8339 9582
Small Group Ministry English

Small Group Ministry (English)

In FMC, we have 23 small groups, 3 young adult cell groups and 20 adult small groups. They meet weekly or fortnightly for bible studies, fellowshipping and coming together to pray.

Many of them serve in different areas of FMC, Sunday School Ministry, Crèche Ministry, Mission Outreach and Worship Ministry etc.
Small groups serve breakfast for 2 Sundays, so worshippers from all congregations can come together to enjoy a simple meal and to know each other better.

Our vision for Small Group Ministry is to expand the existing groups so that many more can join and care / pray for one another and edify one another. Be an integral structure of the church and support the vision of the church and the church’s activities.

Small Group Ministry (Chinese)

“生命小组成立的目标:渴慕神的话、灵命得成长,彼此关怀、互相建立,领受使命、人人布道。(希望看到没有参加主日培训班的弟兄姐妹参加,成为教会的补助,在小组中得到关怀、一起成长) 小组进行的方式:组员们会开始的时候会一起唱诗敬拜,若有新朋友在我们当中,也会用一些破冰游戏(帮助新人突破初 次見面,隔膜和害羞)自然、舒服的和我们一起团契,分享材料有主日崇拜的信息和灵命日粮的灵修篇,在神的话语中得着幇助和应用在每一天的生活中,也借着分享彼此的需要,彼此代祷、彼此建立。(更盼望组员们能够把新朋友带来小组,有机会带领他们认识神)”

  1. 职青组 
  2. 和平组 
  3. 喜乐组 
  4. 仁爱组 
  5. 忍耐组

Senior Citizen Fellowship

Senior Citizen Fellowship provides senior members a space to interact and spend time to fellowship together. This is through fellowship, worship services, tours, cooking sessions, health and legal talks etc. Food and activities also help to bond the members. The group also encourages seniors to exercise to stay active, nimble and healthy. New members are welcomed.

Women’s Society of Christian Service (CAC WSCS)

We are one of the 13 local chapters of the ‘Women’s Society of Christian Service (WSCS) in the Chinese Annual Conference (CAC). Through various programs and activities such as family life talks, lunch fellowship, worship dance and a variety of outreach activities we seek to – help women grow in the knowledge and experience of God as revealed in Jesus Christ; – challenge them to respond to God’s redemptive fellowship; – make Christ known throughout the world; – develop a personal responsibility for the whole task of the Church. If you are female and 16 years old and above, we welcome you!

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