One Family in Christ
GROWING in Christ | GLOWING in love for others | GOING out to make disciples for Christ
What's New
- 1st week – Onsite (Room 401) + Zoom Hybrid
- The rest of the month – On Zoom
- Meeting ID: 852 8365 7963
- Password: fmc12345
If you would like someone to pray with you, our prayer ministers will be available at the front of the sanctuary after the service.
- After 8:00am service – 9:15 – 9:35 am
- After 9:45am service – 11:00 – 11:30 am
- 1st Tuesday – Mandarin
- 2nd Tuesday – Cantonese
- 3rd Tuesday – Hokkien
- 4th & 5th (if there is) Tuesday – No Pentecost Fellowship
- Time: 10:00am
- Location: Level 3 sanctuary of FMC.
- Every Saturdays
- Time: 4:00 – 6:00pm
- Contact person: Ps Alvin 93253189
127th anniversary Combined Service
Pulpit Series September - November 2024
Started in 1897, Foochow Methodist Church is the second oldest church in the Chinese Annual Conference of the Methodist Church in Singapore. Through the years, we have witnessed and experienced God’s faithfulness, grace and work in and through her. We warmly invite you to be a part of this family and and story He is weaving right here and now.
Visit us at our Sunday worship services that are available in Foochow, Mandarin, Tamil and English. As God leads you, come participate in our outreach programs such as tuition for children, food distribution for the needy, outreach to migrant workers and activities for senior citizens.
For families with young and older children, we have age appropriate programs for your children and teenagers. Furthermore, we are just a few minutes walk from the Little India MRT station.
Rooting ourselves in the Bible and Jesus Christ, we seek to learn and grow in our faith, as a result bearing lasting fruit, being salt and light of the world.
(Matthew 5:13-14).
What people are saying...
Tithes and Offerings
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Bank transfer
Beneficiary: Foochow Methodist Church
Name: DBS
Bank Code: 7171
Account No.: 0700024470
Visit Us
- 90 Race Course Road Singapore 218577
- admin@foochowmc.org.sg
- (65) 6293 8757
- Bus Stop (07111) Broadway Hotel (Approx. 0.164 km away) Bus No.: 131. 139. 147. 23. 64. 65. 66. 67. 857
- NE7/DT12 Little India MRT Station (Approx. 0.396 km away)
- NE8 Farrer Park MRT Station (Approx. 0.514 km away)
- DT13 Rochor MRT Station (Approx. 0.566 km away)
- EW12/DT14 Bugis MRT Station (Approx. 1.053 km away)
- Along Race Course Road
- Hilton Garden Inn Hotel
- 671 Klang Lane (KEM1)
- 688 Chander Road (BKE1)
Our Instagram
Today’s worship service: Apostles: Sent to Obey Scripture: Acts 4:5-22; 5:17-21, 26-32 Preacher: Rev Peace Choi https://foochowmc.org.sg/our-service/english-service/ Worship Service will start from 8am. #Apostles #Sent #acts #obey #scripture #sermon #church #methodist #methodistchurch #singapore #foochow #foochowmethodistchurch
路加福音 Luke 2:39-40 孩子渐渐长大,强健起来,充满智慧,又有上帝的恩典在他身上。少年耶稣在圣殿里 And the child grew and became strong, filled with wisdom. And the favor of God was upon him. - 路加福音 Luke 2:40 路加福音2章39节与22-24节是首尾呼应:以「照主的律法上所说」开始、又以「照主的律法办完了一切的事」结束。这表明约瑟和马利亚是敬虔的犹太人,他们完全遵守律法的规定,带着婴孩耶稣来到圣殿除了要行洁净的礼,也是要将头生的儿子赎出来。这一切都是照着主的律法上所说的行。 主耶稣肉身的父母--约瑟和马利亚。他们明知手中的婴孩是至高者的独生子,是世人的救主。这特殊而独特的身份并没有让他们觉得高人一等,而不愿遵守律法的规定,他们谦卑的照着主的律法行;就如主耶稣在世的时候,为了不让人绊倒、为了尽诸般的义(太17:26-27;3:5),祂凡事给人做榜样。 想想我们的生命,距离这个标准有多远。没关系的时候都想攀个关系,为自己的利益开方便之门;每天想尽办法,只为能够得到最大的好处。 这个世界缺乏公义和公平,投机取巧的小人得志;奉公守法的老实人被人瞧不起。整个社会落入一个恶性循环的自我保护中,使人不要也不屑再行奉公守法之道。求主怜悯,也转换我们的目光。知道在你的家中,公正、公平、正直、奉公守法的人不会再受亏损。主耶稣的降生就是要洗净人心,重建新的秩序,让上帝的国度彰显在人前。 约瑟和马利亚按着律法的规定,【办完了一切的事,就回加利利,到自己的城拿撒勒去了。】他们没有活在圣子的光环中,没有享受特殊的待遇,而是回到家乡继续过普通人的生活。 圣子耶稣在父母的悉心照顾之下,【孩子渐渐长大,强健起来,充满智慧,又有神的恩在他身上。】这句话是对耶稣童年期的总结,12岁之前是孩童成长的关键期。一个人是否身心灵健康,就看他的童年是否得到最好的照顾。经文描述耶稣12岁之前成长的三个方面(40节): 身体的成长——「强健起来」 智慧的成长——「充满智慧」 属灵的成长——「又有神的恩在祂身上」 这几方面也是基督徒父母教养孩子的榜样,真实生命的成长应该是平衡的,不但看重健康的身体和头脑,也要重视灵命的成长,个人与上帝的关系。 今日,我们在教养孩子方面所注重,与上帝所要求区别在哪里?求主帮助我们与祂同工,一起培育下一代。 祷告:亲爱天父,求你来帮助我不断地回到祢的话语和原则中,将你的话实践在生活中。使我们的家、教会、社会都蒙福。奉主耶稣基督宝贵圣名求的,阿们! #methodistchurch #foochowmethodistchurch #Sermon #devotion #dailydevotion #scripture #Luke #child #grew #strong #filled #wisdom #favor #god #upon #him
今主日华榕语崇拜(直播) 耶稣 - 上帝的儿子与马利亚的儿子 经文 : 路加福音 2:1-21 讲员: 曾秀霞传道 华语 - 9点30分 线上崇拜(直播)及电子次序单 - https://foochowmc.org.sg/zh/chongbai/huayuchongbai/ 榕语 - 11点15分 线上崇拜 (直播)及电子次序单 - https://foochowmc.org.sg/zh/chongbai/rongyuchongbai/