Worship & Music
English Congregation Worship Team
We serve the Lord in the worship and music ministry, committing our time, energy and musical talents to the glory of God and our corporate worship, serving as worship servants in the following areas: Choir Ministry, Worship leading/Music ministry.

Mandarin Congregation Worship Team
Every Sunday (except for Holy Communion Sunday) we lead the congregation in the Chinese Service in praise and worship sessions.
We prepare and gather the hearts of people in worship, prayer and confession to God.
The team comprises of worship leaders, backup singers and instrumentalists.
Foochow Congregation Worship Team

English Service Choir
We have weekly practices for monthly song ministry at first and second english services.
Chinese Service Choir
The choir leads the congregation in praise and worship through hymns and sacred music, and support the musical segment of the service liturgy. It also hopes to build up the choir members in love and in service to our Lord.
Choir Sunday is an annual event in the Methodist Calendar that the choir looks forward to serve.
Every 7 years, we work towards an evangelistic Christmas Cantata in collaboration with other ministries in FMC.
We have choir practices every Friday evening 8-9.30pm and on Sunday mornings at 8.30am before we present the songs during the Mandarin Service. We seek to complement the theme of the pulpit message through the song presentations.
During these practices, we learn choral breathing and singing techniques.
After practice, we enjoy fellowship with each other over refreshments. Once a year, we also have a Choir Fellowship Day (诗班联谊与训练会) where we set aside time for training, bonding and fellowship with one another and loved ones.