With the blessings of the church leaders and brothers and sisters, the Pastoral and Admin Team went north to Langkawi on 25 September 2023 to begin a four-day and three-night retreat.
On the 1st day, our team embarked on an exciting journey, starting with our arrival at Changi Airport in Singapore. After a smooth flight, we reached our destination, Langkawi and spent the afternoon together having lunch at small eatery surrounded by the serene beauty of Langkawi, we felt a profound sense of peace and tranquillity. In the evening, we gathered for a special time of worship and prayer. It was a precious moment for the team to draw near to God together!
On the 2nd day, PIC Rev Lau led us on a rewarding time of brainstorming and discussions for the work we have ahead of us.
On the 3rd day, following our morning worship, we went on a truly remarkable sightseeing adventure that includes captivating island-hopping experience that unfolded as a true feast for the senses. Each island we visited unveiled a unique and breathtaking beauty, leaving an indelible mark on our hearts and minds. it wasn’t just the scenery that captivated us. Along the way, we were blessed with enchanting encounters with majestic Langkawi eagles, soaring high above us with grace and majesty. Their presence reminded us of God’s provision and the beauty of His creatures.

Overall, our time in Langkawi was filled with memorable moments, from the joyous fellowship during breakfast, lunch and dinner to the soul-stirring sessions of worship and prayer. It was a transformative experience that strengthened our bonds as a team and deepened our connection with God.

We are grateful to God for His provision during the FMC staff retreat held in Langkawi from 25-28 September. The pastoral and admin staff had a valuable time away from their daily routine, spending four days in prayer, worship, and dreaming for FMC 2024. The informal time of fun helped build bonds among the staff, and we drafted the direction for next year, trusting the Lord to lead us. We thank the church for upholding the retreat in prayer. Together, we are one family trusting God.