One Family in Christ
GROWING in Christ | GLOWING in love for others | GOING out to make disciples for Christ
What's New
- 1st week – Onsite (Room 401) + Zoom Hybrid
- The rest of the month – On Zoom
- Meeting ID: 852 8365 7963
- Password: fmc12345
If you would like someone to pray with you, our prayer ministers will be available at the front of the sanctuary after the service.
- After 8:00am service – 9:15 – 9:35 am
- After 9:45am service – 11:00 – 11:30 am
- Date: 10 November 2024
- Time: 1:30pm
- Venue: Rm309
- Date: 17 November 2024
- Time: 2pm
- Venue: ZOOM
- 1st Tuesday – Mandarin
- 2nd Tuesday – Cantonese
- 3rd Tuesday – Hokkien
- 4th & 5th (if there is) Tuesday – No Pentecost Fellowship
- Time: 10:00am
- Location: Level 3 sanctuary of FMC.
- Every Saturdays
- Time: 4:00 – 6:00pm
- Contact person: Ps Alvin 93253189
Pulpit Series Advent & Christmas 2024
Started in 1897, Foochow Methodist Church is the second oldest church in the Chinese Annual Conference of the Methodist Church in Singapore. Through the years, we have witnessed and experienced God’s faithfulness, grace and work in and through her. We warmly invite you to be a part of this family and story He is weaving right here and now.
Visit us at our Sunday worship services that are available in Foochow, Mandarin, Tamil and English. As God leads you, come participate in our outreach programs such as tuition for children, food distribution for the needy, outreach to migrant workers and activities for senior citizens.
For families with young and older children, we have age appropriate programs for your children and teenagers. Furthermore, we are just a few minutes walk from the Little India MRT station.
Rooting ourselves in the Bible and Jesus Christ, we seek to learn and grow in our faith, as a result bearing lasting fruit, being salt and light of the world.
(Matthew 5:13-14).
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Tithes and Offerings
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Bank transfer
Beneficiary: Foochow Methodist Church
Name: DBS
Bank Code: 7171
Account No.: 0700024470
Visit Us
- 90 Race Course Road Singapore 218577
- admin@foochowmc.org.sg
- (65) 6293 8757
- Bus Stop (07111) Broadway Hotel (Approx. 0.164 km away) Bus No.: 131. 139. 147. 23. 64. 65. 66. 67. 857
- NE7/DT12 Little India MRT Station (Approx. 0.396 km away)
- NE8 Farrer Park MRT Station (Approx. 0.514 km away)
- DT13 Rochor MRT Station (Approx. 0.566 km away)
- EW12/DT14 Bugis MRT Station (Approx. 1.053 km away)
- Along Race Course Road
- Hilton Garden Inn Hotel
- 671 Klang Lane (KEM1)
- 688 Chander Road (BKE1)
Our Instagram
约拿书 Jonah 2:1-2 约拿在鱼腹中向耶和华—他的上帝祷告。Then Jonah prayed to the Lord his God from the belly of the fish. - 约拿书 Jonah 2:1 这第二章的开始,说到「约拿在鱼腹中向耶和华——祂的上帝祷告」(1节)。约拿,这位躲避耶和华的先知,这位在大风浪中看着整船的人面对生命的威胁也无动于衷、而跑去睡觉的先知,这位在船长的责备之下、宁愿死也不向耶和华低头的先知,终于向耶和华祷告了。 从约拿计划逃跑的开始,主导他的是他个人的自我意识——是他对耶和华的不满和自己的骄傲。他和我们当中的许多人一样,认为怜悯和爱只是给自己人的。对于和我们没有切身关系的人、对于我们的敌人,我们认为他们只配得到上帝的愤怒和审判。 态度如此刚硬的约拿,是怎么开始改变的呢?这个改变,或许开始于约拿不再选择睡觉而和船员在一起面对风浪的时候。 当约拿和他们在一起,当约拿的眼睛看着船上的人因为自己而遭遇不幸,他的心终于不再是想着自己,他的良心开始感到不安,他对船上的人说,「我知道你们遭遇这大风浪是因我的缘故」(1:12)。约拿的心中不再是憎恨外邦人,而开始看见他们的无辜。 我们似乎可以想象约拿如何告诉他们解决眼前危机的办法,「这场风暴是因我而起的,我才是上帝生气的对象。你们不该死,该死的是我。你们把我抬起来抛进海里,风浪自然会平静。」 在约拿的自暴自弃中,他对外邦人的怜悯,让他有了这样的想法,他应该承担起责任。他开始意识到,他自己一个人能代替船上的人去死,他这么做能拯救许多人! 耶稣基督所做的,正是一人代替众人去死。耶稣来到世上给我们的福音,正是让我们看见,原来我们得救不是靠着生命这艘船上的许多货物,无论这些货物多贵重都不能救我们,我们只能依靠那位代替我们平息上帝愤怒的代罪羔羊,耶稣基督。 约拿不是耶稣基督。但他所做的选择,却开始触摸到了上帝的心意。这时候,耶和华安排这大鱼前来吞下约拿,给了约拿一个最黑暗、最孤单、最无助的时刻。 大鱼的肚中绝对不是什么好地方。约拿身处这么一个「监狱」之中,沉到海底。在完全的无助与绝望中,他开始去反思他和耶和华的关系。 弟兄姐妹,在你对上帝失望或不满的时候,你看见上帝对你不离不弃,要你回转明白祂的心意吗? 祷告: 上帝啊,很多时候我们的心思愚钝,不明白你的心意,经常违背你。求你预备我们的心,在你严厉的管教中,让我像约拿一样能体会到你的拯救和慈爱。让你成为我的依靠。奉主耶稣的名,阿门。 #methodistchurch #foochowmethodistchurch #Sermon #devotion #dailydevotion #scripture #Jonah #God #lord #belly #fish
Today’s worship service: Advent & Christmas: Where Jonah Failed, Jesus Fulfilled: Messenger of Hope in Darkness Scripture: Jonah 1:1-6, 11-17; John 1:1-5, 9 Preacher: Ps Alvin Ong https://foochowmc.org.sg/our-service/english-service/ Worship Service will start from 8am. #Advent #Christmas #Jonah #Failed #Jesus #Fulfilled #Messenger #hope #darkness #scripture #sermon #church #methodist #methodistchurch #foochowmethodistchurch
诗篇 Psalms 25:1-10 求你不要记得我幼年的罪愆和我的过犯;耶和华啊,求你因你的良善,按你的慈爱记念我。 Remember not the sins of my youth or my transgressions; according to Your steadfast love remember me, for the sake of Your goodness, O LORD! - 诗篇 Psalms 25:7 #methodistchurch #foochowmethodistchurch #Sermon #devotion #dailydevotion #scripture #Remember #sins #youth #transgressions #steadfast #remember #Psalms #goodness #sake #lord
约拿书 Jonah 2:3-4 我说:“我从你眼前被驱逐,然而我仍要仰望你的圣殿。Then I said, "I am driven away from Your sight; yet I shall again look upon Your holy temple." - 约拿书 Jonah 2:4 #methodistchurch #foochowmethodistchurch #Sermon #devotion #dailydevotion #scripture #Jonah #driven #sight #holy #temple