One Family in Christ
GROWING in Christ | GLOWING in love for others | GOING out to make disciples for Christ
What's New
- 1st week – Onsite (Room 401) + Zoom Hybrid
- The rest of the month – On Zoom
- Meeting ID: 852 8365 7963
- Password: fmc12345
If you would like someone to pray with you, our prayer ministers will be available at the front of the sanctuary after the service.
- After 8:00am service – 9:15 – 9:35 am
- After 9:45am service – 11:00 – 11:30 am
- Date: 10 November 2024
- Time: 1:30pm
- Venue: Rm309
- Date: 17 November 2024
- Time: 2pm
- Venue: ZOOM
- 1st Tuesday – Mandarin
- 2nd Tuesday – Cantonese
- 3rd Tuesday – Hokkien
- 4th & 5th (if there is) Tuesday – No Pentecost Fellowship
- Time: 10:00am
- Location: Level 3 sanctuary of FMC.
- Every Saturdays
- Time: 4:00 – 6:00pm
- Contact person: Ps Alvin 93253189
Pulpit Series Advent & Christmas 2024
Started in 1897, Foochow Methodist Church is the second oldest church in the Chinese Annual Conference of the Methodist Church in Singapore. Through the years, we have witnessed and experienced God’s faithfulness, grace and work in and through her. We warmly invite you to be a part of this family and story He is weaving right here and now.
Visit us at our Sunday worship services that are available in Foochow, Mandarin, Tamil and English. As God leads you, come participate in our outreach programs such as tuition for children, food distribution for the needy, outreach to migrant workers and activities for senior citizens.
For families with young and older children, we have age appropriate programs for your children and teenagers. Furthermore, we are just a few minutes walk from the Little India MRT station.
Rooting ourselves in the Bible and Jesus Christ, we seek to learn and grow in our faith, as a result bearing lasting fruit, being salt and light of the world.
(Matthew 5:13-14).
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Bank transfer
Beneficiary: Foochow Methodist Church
Name: DBS
Bank Code: 7171
Account No.: 0700024470
Visit Us
- 90 Race Course Road Singapore 218577
- admin@foochowmc.org.sg
- (65) 6293 8757
- Bus Stop (07111) Broadway Hotel (Approx. 0.164 km away) Bus No.: 131. 139. 147. 23. 64. 65. 66. 67. 857
- NE7/DT12 Little India MRT Station (Approx. 0.396 km away)
- NE8 Farrer Park MRT Station (Approx. 0.514 km away)
- DT13 Rochor MRT Station (Approx. 0.566 km away)
- EW12/DT14 Bugis MRT Station (Approx. 1.053 km away)
- Along Race Course Road
- Hilton Garden Inn Hotel
- 671 Klang Lane (KEM1)
- 688 Chander Road (BKE1)
Our Instagram
Today’s worship service: Advent & Christmas: Where Jonah Failed, Jesus Fulfilled: The Good News of Love Scripture: Jonah 4; John 3:16-17 Preacher: Rev Peace Choi https://foochowmc.org.sg/our-service/english-service/ Worship Service will start from 8am. #Advent #Christmas #Jonah #good #goodnews #love #john #scripture #sermon #church #methodist #methodistchurch #foochowmethodistchurch
约拿书 Jonah 4:10-11 「何况这尼尼微大城,其中不能分辨左右手的就有十二万多人,还有许多牲畜,我岂能不爱惜呢?」"And should not I pity Nineveh, that great city, in which there are more than 120,000 persons who do not know their right hand from their left, and also much cattle?" - 约拿书 Jonah 4:11 这两节经文是耶和华神对怒火冲天,甚至要寻死的约拿所说的话,其中重复提到的一个字眼是爱惜。分别是约拿的爱惜和上帝的爱惜: 我们先来分析一下,约拿因着蓖麻树【一夜发生,一夜干死】而发怒的原因: 1. 约拿爱惜蓖麻树,因为这颗树可以给他遮阴,为他带来一份的清凉。说到底,约拿所爱的乃是自己,或对自己有利的东西。这种爱是一时且是短暂的,一旦时过境迁,火热的爱心就会迅速冷却。 2. 约拿爱惜蓖麻树,却不必为它付代价,因为「不是你栽种的,也不是你培养的」(10节)这种爱是华而不实,只想享受而不想付出。 3. 约拿爱惜蓖麻树,却希望上帝摧毁尼尼微城。这样的爱是矛盾的,他期待上帝以慈爱待他,却以公义来待别人。 在约拿的身上我们看到自己的影子吗?我们是严于待己宽于待人,还是反过来呢?主耶稣曾说过【为什么看见你弟兄眼中有刺,却不想自己眼中有梁木呢?】(路6:41)当我们看不到自己眼中的梁木时,就会去挑剔别人眼中的刺。更谈不上对人的爱…… 真正的爱是出自内心、不求回报。因着爱,你的心与他绑在一起,为他的悲伤而悲伤,或心碎和哭泣。上帝对约拿說:「这株植物……你尚且爱惜」;也就是说,约拿的心已经与它绑在一起,它死了,就为它感到悲伤;而上帝爱惜的却是尼尼微城那【不能分辨左手右手的有十二万多人,并有许多牲畜。】不能分辨作用是可能是指儿童,也可能是指尼尼微全城的人都像婴儿一样不认识神,不懂得分辨是非。上帝所爱惜的是,每一个按着祂的形象和样式所造的人。祂对世人的爱从始至终都没有改变,祂的目的不是审判,乃是希望世人悔改归向祂。 上帝的爱惜和人的爱惜是非常的不一样? 约拿书的最后,耶和华神用一个问题来结束,这也成了一个开放式的结尾。因此,当我们责怪神任凭恶人横行、怀疑神不关心自己、或者觉得神不再掌控世界的时候,神也在用这个问题反问我们:「我岂能不爱惜呢」? 在这圣诞佳节里,我们是爱惜神所爱惜的人,甚至是那“不可爱”的人;还是爱惜那些会给我们带来短暂快乐和享受的事物呢? 祷告: 亲爱的天父,帮助我真正明白祢的心意。你存留我的生命,不是为了享受,或审判跟我不一样的人;乃是要差遣我去爱惜祢所造的人,使我的生命越来越蒙祢所喜悦。奉主耶稣基督宝贵圣名求的,阿们! #methodistchurch #foochowmethodistchurch #Sermon #devotion #dailydevotion #scripture #Jonah #Nineveh #great #city #left #lefthand #cattle
今主日华、榕语洗礼联合崇拜 (直播) 上帝恩慈临到破碎世界: 爱的礼物 经文 : 约拿书 4:1-11;约翰福音 3:16 讲员: 熊志辉传道 华榕语 - 10点分 线上崇拜(直播)及电子次序单 - https://foochowmc.org.sg/zh/chongbai/huayuchongbai/