One Family in Christ
GROWING in Christ | GLOWING in love for others | GOING out to make disciples for Christ
What's New
- 1st week – Onsite (Room 401) + Zoom Hybrid
- The rest of the month – On Zoom
- Meeting ID: 852 8365 7963
- Password: fmc12345
If you would like someone to pray with you, our prayer ministers will be available at the front of the sanctuary after the service.
- After 8:00am service – 9:15 – 9:35 am
- After 9:45am service – 11:00 – 11:30 am
- Date: 10 November 2024
- Time: 1:30pm
- Venue: Rm309
- Date: 17 November 2024
- Time: 2pm
- Venue: ZOOM
- 1st Tuesday – Mandarin
- 2nd Tuesday – Cantonese
- 3rd Tuesday – Hokkien
- 4th & 5th (if there is) Tuesday – No Pentecost Fellowship
- Time: 10:00am
- Location: Level 3 sanctuary of FMC.
- Every Saturdays
- Time: 4:00 – 6:00pm
- Contact person: Ps Alvin 93253189
The Gospel of John Sermon Series Part 1
Daily Manna Together
Started in 1897, Foochow Methodist Church is the second oldest church in the Chinese Annual Conference of the Methodist Church in Singapore. Through the years, we have witnessed and experienced God’s faithfulness, grace and work in and through her. We warmly invite you to be a part of this family and story He is weaving right here and now.
Visit us at our Sunday worship services that are available in Foochow, Mandarin, Tamil and English. As God leads you, come participate in our outreach programs such as tuition for children, food distribution for the needy, outreach to migrant workers and activities for senior citizens.
For families with young and older children, we have age appropriate programs for your children and teenagers. Furthermore, we are just a few minutes walk from the Little India MRT station.
Rooting ourselves in the Bible and Jesus Christ, we seek to learn and grow in our faith, as a result bearing lasting fruit, being salt and light of the world.
(Matthew 5:13-14).
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Beneficiary: Foochow Methodist Church
Name: DBS
Bank Code: 7171
Account No.: 0700024470
Visit Us
- 90 Race Course Road Singapore 218577
- admin@foochowmc.org.sg
- (65) 6293 8757
- Bus Stop (07111) Broadway Hotel (Approx. 0.164 km away) Bus No.: 131. 139. 147. 23. 64. 65. 66. 67. 857
- NE7/DT12 Little India MRT Station (Approx. 0.396 km away)
- NE8 Farrer Park MRT Station (Approx. 0.514 km away)
- DT13 Rochor MRT Station (Approx. 0.566 km away)
- EW12/DT14 Bugis MRT Station (Approx. 1.053 km away)
- Along Race Course Road
- Hilton Garden Inn Hotel
- 671 Klang Lane (KEM1)
- 688 Chander Road (BKE1)
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约翰福音 John 1:43-51 他又说:「我实实在在地告诉你们,你们将要看见天开了,上帝的使者在人子身上,上去下来。」And he said to him, “Truly, truly, I say to you, you will see heaven opened, and the angels of God ascending and descending on the Son of Man.” - 约翰福音 John 1:51 #methodistchurch #foochowmethodistchurch #Sermon #devotion #dailydevotion #scripture #John #Truly #heaven #opened #angels #God #ascending #descending #son #man
约翰福音 John 1:40-42 他先找到自己的哥哥西门,对他说:「我们遇见弥赛亚了。」He first found his own brother Simon and said to him, “We have found the Messiah” - 约翰福音 John 1:41 在这段经文中,我们看到耶稣的第一批门徒之一,安得烈,把他的哥哥西门带到耶稣面前。这简单的举动教导我们如何与他人分享耶稣,并信赖耶稣拥有改变生命的能力。 安得烈是在听了施洗约翰的见证后,第一个跟随耶稣的人。尽管安得烈不像彼得那样显赫,但他仍然扮演了一个重要的角色,因为彼得后来成为耶路撒冷教会的领袖。安得烈是第一个向别人传讲耶稣的人,这告诉我们即使是一个微小的信心行动,也能带来巨大的改变。 在遇见耶稣之后,安得烈第一个想到的是去找他的哥哥西门,并告诉他:“我们找到了弥赛亚!”安得烈的兴奋,表明了亲自遇见耶稣的人,他们的自然反应就是想与他人分享关于耶稣的事。安得烈毫不犹豫地立刻去与家人分享这个好消息。 当西门最终见到耶稣时,他的名字被改为矶法(彼得),意思是“磐石”。在那个时刻,西门的性格根本不像一块磐石,但耶稣能超越他当时的状态,看到西门未来能够成为的样子。很久以后,在耶稣复活之后,直到彼得殉道,彼得真正活出了他的名字,成为了早期教会中坚强和忠诚的领导者。 你或许觉得自己不够好,离上帝希望你成为的样子还很远,但上帝看到你的潜能,并且一定会完成祂在你生命中开始的美好工作。 安得烈把西门带到耶稣面前,西门的生命在那天彻底改变了。我们也被呼召去带领他人来到耶稣面前。无论是通过邀请他们参加教会,分享耶稣的故事,还是通过我们的行动向他们展示耶稣的爱,你可以像安得烈一样,藉着小小的举动,带给还不认识耶稣的朋友或家人巨大的影响。像安得烈一样,我们可以邀请人们来见耶稣,并相信祂会改变他们的生命。 在你生命中,有谁是你可以邀请去遇见耶稣,并体验祂改变生命的能力? 祷告: 亲爱的耶稣,谢谢祢呼召我们来跟随祢。求主帮助我们像安得烈一样,将祢的爱与他人分享。求主提醒我们,祢是那位能看到我们未来的生命主宰,并且祢一直在完成祢在我们生命中所开始的善工。 求主赐给我们勇气,将人带到祢面前。 奉耶稣的名祷告,阿门。 #methodistchurch #foochowmethodistchurch #Sermon #devotion #dailydevotion #scripture #John #found #first #own #brother #simon #messiah
2025年岁首联合崇拜/就职礼 (直播) LCEC Installation Combined Service (Livestreaming) DisciplePathway 门徒旅程 Scripture: John 1:35-51 经文:约翰福音 1:35-51 Speaker: Rev Lau Chong Yaw 讲员:刘昌耀牧师 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cny9iG0B6Bs