John 1:40-42

John 1:40-42

He first found his own brother Simon and said to him, “We have found the Messiah”

In this passage, we see Andrew, one of Jesus’ first disciples, bringing his brother Simon to meet Jesus. This simple act teaches us about sharing Jesus with others and trusting in His power to change lives.

Andrew was the first to follow Jesus after hearing the testimony of John the Baptist. Even though Andrew didn’t become as prominent as Peter, he played an important role, because Peter would later become the leader of the Jerusalem Church. Andrew was the first person to tell someone else about Jesus, and this tells us that even small acts of faith like this can make a big difference.

After meeting Jesus, Andrew’s first thought was to find his brother Simon and tell him, “We have found the Messiah!” Andrew’s excitement shows us that the natural response after personally encountering Jesus, is to want to share about Him with others. Andrew did not hesitate or overthink it. He immediately went to share the good news with his own family.

When Simon finally met Jesus, his name was changed to Cephas (Peter), which means “rock.” At that point in time, Simon’s character was nothing like a rock. But Jesus saw what he could become, not just who he was at that moment. Much later on, after the resurrection of Jesus, and continuing until his martyrdom, Peter truly lived up to his name as a strong and steadfast leader in the early church.

You might feel like you’re not good enough or far from what God wants you to be. But God sees your potential and will bring to completion the good work that He has begun in you.

Andrew had brought Simon to Jesus, and Simon’s life was completely changed that day. We are also called to bring others to Jesus, whether by inviting them to church, sharing about Him, or showing His love through our actions. Your small steps, like Andrew’s, can have a big impact to your friends or family members who do not yet know Jesus. Like Andrew, we can invite people to meet Jesus and trust Him to change their lives.

Who in your life can you invite to meet Jesus and experience His transforming power?

Let us pray Dear Jesus, thank You for calling us to follow You. Help us to share Your love with others, just like Andrew did. Remind us that You see who we can become and are always working to finish the good work that you have started in us. Give us the courage to bring others to You.

In the name of Jesus we pray. Amen.

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