John 14:22-24

John 14:22-24

Jesus answered him, “If anyone loves me, he will keep my word, and my Father will love him, and we will come to him and make our home with him.” – John 14:23

Today’s meditation continues on the work of the Holy Spirit as discussed by our Lord Jesus with His disciples. The Holy Spirit is one of the persons of the Trinity, the wonderful gift given by the Father to all who have loved and followed Jesus after his resurrection and ascension.

How can one prove they love the Lord? Jesus said, “Anyone who has my commands and obeys them, he is the one who loves me. He who loves me will be loved by my Father, and I too will love him and show myself to him.” (v.21) This statement left the disciples of that time perplexed. Judas asked Jesus, “Lord, how is it that you will manifest yourself to us, and not to the world?” (v.22) The Bible notes that this Judas (not Judas Iscariot) was the son of James, also known as Thaddeus (Luke 6:16). He did not understand what Jesus meant by “showing” Himself, hence he asked why it was only to them, and not to the world. Judas may have been expecting a revelation that would shock the world. But Jesus’ answer was, “Anyone who loves me will obey my teaching. My Father will love him, and we will come to him and make our home with him.” (v. 23)

John often links “loving Jesus” with “obeying His commands” (vv. 21, 23). Jesus’ commands are essentially His words. Because they love him, his followers also obey His word. Love and obedience are two sides of the same coin. The Father not only loves such people, but will also reveal himself to and dwell with them.

There is a Chinese saying: “If you are not family, you cannot enter through the same door.” When you acknowledge Jesus Christ as your Saviour, you become a child of God, and the Holy Spirit resides within us. This refers to all who love Him and obey His commands; those, who have not accepted Jesus Christ and have no relationship with God, cannot invite the Holy Spirit to dwell within them. This is why Jesus only shows himself to his followers, who are children of God, and not the world.

God dwelling with man was a prophecy proclaimed to the world by the prophet Isaiah over 700 years before the Lord’s birth. The incarnate Jesus fulfilled God’s promise to humanity; but now He was leaving the world. How would the promise of “God with us” continue to be fulfilled? Through the Holy Spirit, all who love Him and obey Christ’s teachings can continue to enjoy the promise of God’s presence with man. The truth that the Lord Jesus personally clarified this to His disciples also tells us that the Son, the Father, and the Spirit sent by the Father are one. As long as we love Him, He will be with us forever. How do we express our love for Him? It is by obeying His words.

One of the works of the Holy Spirit is to “convict the world concerning sin and righteousness and judgment.” (Jn 16:8) Today, am I listening to the voice of the Holy Spirit, obeying His words, and becoming a disciple loved by God? Or am I going against His words, often grieving the Holy Spirit?

Holy Spirit, who has come for our benefit, I ask You to reign in my life. Let me constantly listen to Your words and obey Your guidance in my life, so that my life may be a blessing not only to myself but also to those around me. I pray in the precious name of our Lord Jesus Christ, Amen!

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