John 15:26-27
But when the Helper comes, whom I will send to you from the Father, the Spirit of truth, who proceeds from the Father, He will bear witness about Me. – John 15:26
In today’s devotion, we read about Jesus’ assurance to His disciples that He would not leave them to face the world alone. Jesus is about to return to the Father soon, but He will send the Holy Spirit to help the disciples. This assurance is not just for the disciples, but to all believers of Jesus, who have been given the Holy Spirit.
The Holy Spirit is given a name by the gospel writer, John. In different translations, it is Helper, or Comforter, or Advocate. Each of these titles reflects a different aspect of His role, but they all point to His divine nature. He is not merely a force or power but a personal being, sent by the Father in obedience to Jesus’ will. The Holy Spirit comes to us as a gift, dwelling in our hearts from the moment we place our trust in Christ.
What is the role of this Holy Spirit given to us? In verse 26, we are told that He will bear witness about Jesus. This testimony is not just for the believer, but it is directed to the world that is hostile towards Jesus and His followers. In verse 27, Jesus confirms this as He instructs His disciples to also bear witness for Him. What this tells us is that the Holy Spirit’s testimony and the disciple’s testimony are one and the same, as the Holy Spirit works through the words and lives of the disciples to proclaim the truth of Christ.
The disciples were qualified for this task because they had been with Jesus from the beginning of His ministry. They had witnessed His miracles, heard His teachings, and experienced His love firsthand. But what about us? Though we did not walk with Jesus physically, we have received the same Holy Spirit who empowered the disciples. Through the Scriptures and the faithful witness of the Church, we have inherited the testimony of Christ’s glory.
Jesus’ command to His disciples is also His command to us: “The Spirit of truth, whom I have sent to you from the Father, will bear witness about me, and you also will bear witness.” How are you relying on the Holy Spirit in your life today? Are you bearing witness to Jesus with confidence and dependence on the Spirit?
Heavenly Father God, thank you for your gift of the Holy Spirit, our Helper, Comforter, and Advocate. As we navigate a world that often opposes Your truth, we need Your Spirit to guide us and empower us to bear witness for Jesus. Grant us the confidence and courage to live for Christ and testify to His love and truth today. We pray this in Jesus’ name. Amen.
In today’s devotion, we read about Jesus’ assurance to His disciples that He would not leave them to face the world alone. Jesus is about to return to the Father soon, but He will send the Holy Spirit to help the disciples. This assurance is not just for the disciples, but to all believers of Jesus, who have been given the Holy Spirit.
The Holy Spirit is given a name by the gospel writer, John. In different translations, it is Helper, or Comforter, or Advocate. Each of these titles reflects a different aspect of His role, but they all point to His divine nature. He is not merely a force or power but a personal being, sent by the Father in obedience to Jesus’ will. The Holy Spirit comes to us as a gift, dwelling in our hearts from the moment we place our trust in Christ.
What is the role of this Holy Spirit given to us? In verse 26, we are told that He will bear witness about Jesus. This testimony is not just for the believer, but it is directed to the world that is hostile towards Jesus and His followers. In verse 27, Jesus confirms this as He instructs His disciples to also bear witness for Him. What this tells us is that the Holy Spirit’s testimony and the disciple’s testimony are one and the same, as the Holy Spirit works through the words and lives of the disciples to proclaim the truth of Christ.
The disciples were qualified for this task because they had been with Jesus from the beginning of His ministry. They had witnessed His miracles, heard His teachings, and experienced His love firsthand. But what about us? Though we did not walk with Jesus physically, we have received the same Holy Spirit who empowered the disciples. Through the Scriptures and the faithful witness of the Church, we have inherited the testimony of Christ’s glory.
Jesus’ command to His disciples is also His command to us: “The Spirit of truth, whom I have sent to you from the Father, will bear witness about me, and you also will bear witness.” How are you relying on the Holy Spirit in your life today? Are you bearing witness to Jesus with confidence and dependence on the Spirit?
Heavenly Father God, thank you for your gift of the Holy Spirit, our Helper, Comforter, and Advocate. As we navigate a world that often opposes Your truth, we need Your Spirit to guide us and empower us to bear witness for Jesus. Grant us the confidence and courage to live for Christ and testify to His love and truth today. We pray this in Jesus’ name. Amen.