John 12:1-19
So they took branches of palm trees and went out to meet Him, crying out, “Hosanna! Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord, even the King of Israel!” – John 12:13
As we read in John 12, the time has come for the final week of Jesus’ life on earth. The conflict between Him and the Jewish religious leaders has escalated to a boiling point. They have already conspired that if they saw Jesus in Jerusalem, they would arrest Him.
Following God’s timing, Jesus is going to Jerusalem. When He passes through Bethany, a dinner is prepared for Him there. Some sources indicate that this meal may have been held at the house of Simon the leper (Mt 26:6; Mk 14:3). Bethany, once a very ordinary village, has become the centre of attention because of the resurrection of Lazarus. (v.1)
In order to welcome Jesus, the people hold a public banquet. We can imagine that Martha is serving, and Lazarus is among the guests (v.2). In the midst of this lively banquet, the author John shifts the focus to Mary. She takes a pound of very expensive pure nard oil and anoints Jesus’ feet, wiping them with her hair, and the house is filled with the fragrance of the oil. (v.4)
From the accounts in other Gospels, we see that Mary often quietly sat at Jesus’ feet. Her focus and total devotion in serving leaves a deep impression.
This time, she pours an entire bottle of expensive perfume, worth three hundred silver coins on Jesus. It was customary in the ancient Middle East to anoint a guest of honour with oil during a banquet, but using such an expensive amount of oil seems extravagant, as it was equivalent to a year’s wages for a common worker (Mt 20:2). Indeed, Mary’s action is met with criticism from Judas, who suggested it should have been sold to give to the poor. Though the text later explains that Judas did not care about the poor (v.6), the question is still left for us: Which is more important—helping the poor or giving in devotion? When you serve, opposition may come from those who follow the ways of the world, like Judas. It may also come from those who work alongside you, questioning whether the efforts in the ministry are worth such a sacrifice.
Mary in the passage is quiet, but Jesus defends her, saying, “She has done this for me…” (v.7). It turns out that there was a divine purpose behind Mary’s actions: she was preparing Jesus’ body for burial! Mary was often at Jesus’ feet, and her humility and focus allowed her to be sensitive to Jesus’ identity and mission. She seized the opportunity to give her offering to the Lord.
Mary is able to face the situation calmly, unaffected by the opinions of others, and serves wholeheartedly because she knows whom she relied on. Compared to the redemption we receive through Jesus Christ, the riches of the world are nothing. What she received far surpassed what she gave. Jesus Himself defended her and instructed, “Wherever the gospel is preached throughout the world, what she has done will also be told, in memory of her.” (Mk 14:9)
Today, do I care more about the opinions of people or what the Lord has done for me?
Dear Saviour, who laid down His life for us, help us to remain humble at Your feet, always listening to Your voice, valuing what You have done for us more than the world’s riches or praises. May our lives be lived for You. In the precious name of our Lord Jesus, we pray. Amen!
As we read in John 12, the time has come for the final week of Jesus’ life on earth. The conflict between Him and the Jewish religious leaders has escalated to a boiling point. They have already conspired that if they saw Jesus in Jerusalem, they would arrest Him.
Following God’s timing, Jesus is going to Jerusalem. When He passes through Bethany, a dinner is prepared for Him there. Some sources indicate that this meal may have been held at the house of Simon the leper (Mt 26:6; Mk 14:3). Bethany, once a very ordinary village, has become the centre of attention because of the resurrection of Lazarus. (v.1)
In order to welcome Jesus, the people hold a public banquet. We can imagine that Martha is serving, and Lazarus is among the guests (v.2). In the midst of this lively banquet, the author John shifts the focus to Mary. She takes a pound of very expensive pure nard oil and anoints Jesus’ feet, wiping them with her hair, and the house is filled with the fragrance of the oil. (v.4)
From the accounts in other Gospels, we see that Mary often quietly sat at Jesus’ feet. Her focus and total devotion in serving leaves a deep impression.
This time, she pours an entire bottle of expensive perfume, worth three hundred silver coins on Jesus. It was customary in the ancient Middle East to anoint a guest of honour with oil during a banquet, but using such an expensive amount of oil seems extravagant, as it was equivalent to a year’s wages for a common worker (Mt 20:2). Indeed, Mary’s action is met with criticism from Judas, who suggested it should have been sold to give to the poor. Though the text later explains that Judas did not care about the poor (v.6), the question is still left for us: Which is more important—helping the poor or giving in devotion? When you serve, opposition may come from those who follow the ways of the world, like Judas. It may also come from those who work alongside you, questioning whether the efforts in the ministry are worth such a sacrifice.
Mary in the passage is quiet, but Jesus defends her, saying, “She has done this for me…” (v.7). It turns out that there was a divine purpose behind Mary’s actions: she was preparing Jesus’ body for burial! Mary was often at Jesus’ feet, and her humility and focus allowed her to be sensitive to Jesus’ identity and mission. She seized the opportunity to give her offering to the Lord.
Mary is able to face the situation calmly, unaffected by the opinions of others, and serves wholeheartedly because she knows whom she relied on. Compared to the redemption we receive through Jesus Christ, the riches of the world are nothing. What she received far surpassed what she gave. Jesus Himself defended her and instructed, “Wherever the gospel is preached throughout the world, what she has done will also be told, in memory of her.” (Mk 14:9)
Today, do I care more about the opinions of people or what the Lord has done for me?
Dear Saviour, who laid down His life for us, help us to remain humble at Your feet, always listening to Your voice, valuing what You have done for us more than the world’s riches or praises. May our lives be lived for You. In the precious name of our Lord Jesus, we pray. Amen!