John 4:27-42

John 4:27-42

Many Samaritans from that town believed in him because of the woman’s testimony.

In today’s scripture, we are surprised to find that the Samaritans, whom the Jews looked down upon, were among the first to acknowledge Jesus as the “Savior of the world”! Jesus not only came to save the Jews but also to save everyone in the world. He is not just the “Savior” of the Jews; He is the “Savior of the world.”

How could this have happened? Who made the Samaritans believe that Jesus is the Savior of the world?

Firstly, God used a Samaritan woman who was marginalized in society. Her life, marked by multiple failed marriages and questionable relationships with men, led to her isolation. No one wanted to be with her, and she, in turn, kept her distance from others, fearing being rejected or judged.

However, that day at the well, she had an unexpected and extraordinary encounter with Jesus! He not only “told her everything she had ever done” but He also did not reject her. Instead, He willingly offered her the living water of life. Ultimately, Jesus revealed to her the profound truth – that He is the Christ, the source of living water, offering her a life that would never thirst again.

The Samaritan woman believed. She left her water jar behind, went into the city, and said to the people, “Come and see! A man told me everything I ever did. Could this be the Christ?”

With her less-than-glorious testimony and genuine experience, the Samaritan woman became Jesus’ first missionary, introducing Him to the Samaritans—the long-time enemies of the Jews—and drawing many to know Jesus. In the end, many of them believed!

The Samaritans were willing to come to Jesus because of the woman’s testimony. And the woman was able to know and believe in Jesus because it was Jesus who was willing to obey the will of the Father. At noon that day, He intentionally entered the Samaritan region, which Jews usually avoided, to meet this woman.

When the disciples returned with food, they were astonished to see Jesus speaking with a Samaritan woman. When they offered Him food, Jesus said He already had food to eat. His food was to do the will of the One who sent Him and to finish His work.

That day, Jesus obeyed the Father’s will, came to Sychar in Samaria, not only to meet the woman but also to stay and lead many Samaritans to Himself.

Today, are you willing to make obeying the Father’s will and completing His work your food? Are you willing to step out of your comfort zone, to enter your “Samaria,” and bear witness for Jesus?

Lord Jesus, Savior of the world, Thank You for coming to this world to seek and save the lost, including me. Thank You for sending messengers like the Samaritan woman to lead me to You. Help me to know and experience Your saving grace more deeply, and prepare me to be Your witness. Open my eyes to see that the harvest is ripe, and make me willing to obey the Father’s will and go out to harvest Your fields. In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.

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