John 1:35-39
He said to them, “Come and you will see.”
For two consecutive days, John the Baptist testified to those around him that Jesus is the “Lamb of God.” This unusual title deeply impacted his disciples, prompting two of them to immediately turn and follow Jesus.
They may have been wondering why John referred to Jesus as the “Lamb of God.” In Jerusalem’s temple, sacrifices were offered daily to God. They had likely seen flocks of lambs being driven into Jerusalem regularly. What made this Rabbi named Jesus different from the sacrificial lambs? How would He take away the sins of the world?
At that moment, they didn’t have answers to these questions. But their doubts didn’t stop them from following Jesus.
As the two disciples followed Jesus, He turned around, saw them, and asked, “What do you want?”
We can imagine how they might have answered this question:
- I want Israel to be free from Roman rule.
- I want God’s kingdom to be established on earth.
- I want God’s justice and mercy to come to this broken world.
- I want to see the needy cared for.
- I want the sick to be healed, and the poor to be provided for.So many answers could have been given.
But instead, they asked, “Rabbi, where are you staying?” They wanted to know Him more. They wanted to live with Him, eat with Him, and share life with Him. This is what it means to be a disciple of Jesus.
Many people think that being a disciple of Jesus means fully understanding Him and making a lofty commitment to Him. But in this passage, the two disciples took their first step of discipleship by seeking to know Jesus more, even with their questions and uncertainties. They began their journey of experiencing life in His presence.
Brothers and sisters, if Jesus were to ask you today, “What do you want?” how would you respond? Would you ask Him to fulfill your wants, or would you seek to know Him more deeply?
Lord Jesus, I confess that my understanding of You is often shallow, limited to head knowledge rather than living in Your presence. Forgive my foolishness in seeking what I can get from You instead of seeking to know You more.
Thank You for Your Word! Just as John the Baptist’s testimony led his disciples closer to You, may Your Holy Spirit guide me through the testimony in the Gospel of John to know You more—the Lamb of God.
In Jesus’ name I pray, Amen!