John 2:11-12
This, the first of his signs, Jesus did at Cana in Galilee, and manifested his glory. And his disciples believed in him.
In the last two days’ devotion, we have been reflecting on the event of Jesus turning water into wine from different angles. We learnt that we can bring all matters in life to Jesus for help, no matter how trivial it seems.
When the lowly servants obeyed the instruction given by Jesus, a double miracle happened. The water used for ceremonial cleansing, which had been rendered unclean, now became clean, and the water turned into fine wine. Jesus chose the lowly servants to be witnesses and partners of his first miracle.
Jesus responded, turned around the desperate situation and helped without seeking recognition, addressing the issue despite human mistakes or ignorance. He is a God of unimaginable generosity. What He offers surpasses in both quantity and quality. This story ends with an editorial comment by John in verse 11. There are three keywords in verse 11: sign, glory, and believe. Theologian and pastor D. A. Carson wrote about signs: John prefers the simple word “signs”: Jesus’s miracles are never simply naked displays of power, still less neat conjuring tricks to impress the masses, but signs, significant displays of power that point beyond themselves to the deeper realities that could be perceived with the eyes of faith.
The glory of Jesus is made visible in this act. By performing this miracle, Jesus clearly shows one of his divine attributes. His disciples saw his divine power on display, and they believed. The key point of this account is not so much that Jesus can meet our needs. The point is that Jesus is uniquely the Son of God here to do God’s work, and we need to believe him.
The power of Jesus to turn water into wine is amazing, but his power to transform sinners into saints is even greater. In this passage, we begin to see his disciples’ transformation as their faith grows. They heard John the Baptist’s testimony and began to believe, and Jesus’ works and words deepened their trust, changing them from humble fishermen into bold witnesses of his unmatched power.
Dear brothers and sisters, as disciples of Christ, when was the last time you saw Jesus revealing His glory to you? Ask the Lord to give you the eyes of faith to see His glory and deepen your trust in Him.
Dear Lord, open our eyes to see you. Give us the eyes of faith to see your glory and the superiority of the joyous salvation that you bring. As we continue to abide in you, follow you, and walk with faith on the path as your disciple, transform us into your likeness and help us be bold witnesses of your unmatched power. in Jesus‘ name, we pray, Amen.
In the last two days’ devotion, we have been reflecting on the event of Jesus turning water into wine from different angles. We learnt that we can bring all matters in life to Jesus for help, no matter how trivial it seems.
When the lowly servants obeyed the instruction given by Jesus, a double miracle happened. The water used for ceremonial cleansing, which had been rendered unclean, now became clean, and the water turned into fine wine. Jesus chose the lowly servants to be witnesses and partners of his first miracle.
Jesus responded, turned around the desperate situation and helped without seeking recognition, addressing the issue despite human mistakes or ignorance. He is a God of unimaginable generosity. What He offers surpasses in both quantity and quality. This story ends with an editorial comment by John in verse 11. There are three keywords in verse 11: sign, glory, and believe. Theologian and pastor D. A. Carson wrote about signs: John prefers the simple word “signs”: Jesus’s miracles are never simply naked displays of power, still less neat conjuring tricks to impress the masses, but signs, significant displays of power that point beyond themselves to the deeper realities that could be perceived with the eyes of faith.
The glory of Jesus is made visible in this act. By performing this miracle, Jesus clearly shows one of his divine attributes. His disciples saw his divine power on display, and they believed. The key point of this account is not so much that Jesus can meet our needs. The point is that Jesus is uniquely the Son of God here to do God’s work, and we need to believe him.
The power of Jesus to turn water into wine is amazing, but his power to transform sinners into saints is even greater. In this passage, we begin to see his disciples’ transformation as their faith grows. They heard John the Baptist’s testimony and began to believe, and Jesus’ works and words deepened their trust, changing them from humble fishermen into bold witnesses of his unmatched power.
Dear brothers and sisters, as disciples of Christ, when was the last time you saw Jesus revealing His glory to you? Ask the Lord to give you the eyes of faith to see His glory and deepen your trust in Him.
Dear Lord, open our eyes to see you. Give us the eyes of faith to see your glory and the superiority of the joyous salvation that you bring. As we continue to abide in you, follow you, and walk with faith on the path as your disciple, transform us into your likeness and help us be bold witnesses of your unmatched power. in Jesus‘ name, we pray, Amen.