John 13:18-30

John 13:18-30

After saying these things, Jesus was troubled in his spirit, and testified, “Truly, truly, I say to you, one of you will betray me.”  –  John 13:21

In our passage today, we continue the scene in the upper room, where Jesus and His disciples are sharing their final meal together. Just moments earlier, Jesus had humbled Himself to wash the feet of His disciples, teaching them to follow His example of serving one another.

Yet, there was another lesson hidden in this act of love that the disciples would only understand later. Jesus, with full awareness of what was to come, reveals His foreknowledge of betrayal: “He who eats my bread has lifted his heel against me.” This phrase from Psalm 41:9, paints a picture of deep betrayal. To share bread was an intimate act of fellowship and trust, yet one among them, who had eaten at His table, would turn against Him.

But this was no surprise to Jesus. He knew the hearts of the Twelve whom He had chosen. His words were not just a warning but a confirmation of His divine sovereignty, so that when the betrayal unfolded, the disciples would remember and believe. Nothing that would happen was outside of His control. He willingly walked this path, fully aware of the cost. And even in this moment, knowing what Judas was about to do, Jesus still chose to love him. He had just washed Judas’ feet. He had given him the seat of honor. He had offered him the bread. Every gesture was an extension of grace, an opportunity for repentance. Yet, Judas still hardened his heart and departed into the darkness.

How do you respond when you are hurt or betrayed? Do you withdraw, seek revenge, or hold on to bitterness? Jesus’ example challenges us to love even when it is painful, to extend grace even to those who fail us. His patience, even toward Judas, points us to a love that is not driven by circumstance but by the character of God Himself.

Who in your life do you need to love with Christ-like patience today?

Father God, thank you that while you know the depths of our hearts and the darkness within it, you still chose to love us and show us your grace, forgiving us through your Son Jesus Christ. Teach us to love just as you have loved us. And give us the strength to love and to forgive even when it is painful to do so. We pray all this in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. Amen.

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