John 14:7-11

John 14:7-11

If you had known Me, you would have known my Father also. From now on you do know Him and have seen Him. – John 14:7

Imagine a scene from a K-drama show. The male lead professes his love for the woman he’s been pursuing for a long while. But despite all his honest, repeated efforts the female lead says, “I want to believe you, but you’ve got to prove it. Show me what you say is true.” Now, if the man had previously been known to be unfaithful or untruthful in his relationships, the woman’s skepticism would have been justified. However, if the man had been nothing but wholehearted and consistent in his devotion toward her, her hesitation would deeply wound him. I imagine him replying the same way that Jesus did in v.8, “Have I been with you so long, and you still don’t know me?”

It was one thing for the Jewish leaders to demand signs of Jesus to prove his claims. It was a whole other thing for one of his closest disciples, Philip, to ask him to show them the Father, as if all that he’d shown them in the past three years had not been enough. It’s hard to know the tone Jesus replied in. If he were exasperated, annoyed, or hurt, we wouldn’t know from the text. But Jesus says the same exact thing he told the Jews—believe me or else believe on account of my works (v.11).

We are like Philip, too, sometimes. We ask God to show us that he is real, that he is the almighty, powerful being he claims to be. We ask him to prove his love, his goodness, and promises. We ask, “Are you out there? Can you hear me? Do you care?”

Many a times, the Lord in his mercy does answer our cries for signs and confirmation. He constantly stoops to our level so that we may perceive and understand because he knows how obtuse we can be when it comes to hearing him. But there are other times that the Lord doesn’t reply so quickly but says instead: Have I been with you so long, and you still don’t know me? Believe me, trust me. If you can’t find that faith within yourself, at least see what I have done for you in my Son Jesus; look at how faithful I’ve been to you all this while, how I am guiding, protecting and blessing you, even right now.

Reflection: Are we in a place of doubt or uncertainty about God? Are we seeking answers to discern the paths to take and choices to make? Don’t hesitate to ask and seek, but don’t forget also to reflect on the pattern of God’s faithfulness, should he delay in answering our prayers. Counting our blessings isn’t just for rejoicing in abundant times; knowing how we’ve been blessed in the past can help get us through the dry, quiet wilderness moments as well.

Merciful Father, thank you for your faithfulness and kindness to us through all these years. You are steadfast and unchanging in all your ways. Forgive us for the times we try your patience with repeated requests for signs and confirmations, putting off obedience and faith. Have mercy on and speak to us in ways we can understand, but also help us to remember all that you’ve done in our lives and so find strength to persevere. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen.

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