One Family in Christ
GROWING in Christ | GLOWING in love for others | GOING out to make disciples for Christ
What's New
- 1st week – Onsite (Room 401) + Zoom Hybrid
- The rest of the month – On Zoom
- Meeting ID: 852 8365 7963
- Password: fmc12345
If you would like someone to pray with you, our prayer ministers will be available at the front of the sanctuary after the service.
- After 8:00am service – 9:15 – 9:35 am
- After 9:45am service – 11:00 – 11:30 am
- Date: 10 November 2024
- Time: 1:30pm
- Venue: Rm309
- Date: 17 November 2024
- Time: 2pm
- Venue: ZOOM
- 1st Tuesday – Mandarin
- 2nd Tuesday – Cantonese
- 3rd Tuesday – Hokkien
- 4th & 5th (if there is) Tuesday – No Pentecost Fellowship
- Time: 10:00am
- Location: Level 3 sanctuary of FMC.
- Every Saturdays
- Time: 4:00 – 6:00pm
- Contact person: Ps Alvin 93253189
The Gospel of John Sermon Series Part 1
Daily Manna Together
Started in 1897, Foochow Methodist Church is the second oldest church in the Chinese Annual Conference of the Methodist Church in Singapore. Through the years, we have witnessed and experienced God’s faithfulness, grace and work in and through her. We warmly invite you to be a part of this family and story He is weaving right here and now.
Visit us at our Sunday worship services that are available in Foochow, Mandarin, Tamil and English. As God leads you, come participate in our outreach programs such as tuition for children, food distribution for the needy, outreach to migrant workers and activities for senior citizens.
For families with young and older children, we have age appropriate programs for your children and teenagers. Furthermore, we are just a few minutes walk from the Little India MRT station.
Rooting ourselves in the Bible and Jesus Christ, we seek to learn and grow in our faith, as a result bearing lasting fruit, being salt and light of the world.
(Matthew 5:13-14).
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Beneficiary: Foochow Methodist Church
Name: DBS
Bank Code: 7171
Account No.: 0700024470
Visit Us
- 90 Race Course Road Singapore 218577
- admin@foochowmc.org.sg
- (65) 6293 8757
- Bus Stop (07111) Broadway Hotel (Approx. 0.164 km away) Bus No.: 131. 139. 147. 23. 64. 65. 66. 67. 857
- NE7/DT12 Little India MRT Station (Approx. 0.396 km away)
- NE8 Farrer Park MRT Station (Approx. 0.514 km away)
- DT13 Rochor MRT Station (Approx. 0.566 km away)
- EW12/DT14 Bugis MRT Station (Approx. 1.053 km away)
- Along Race Course Road
- Hilton Garden Inn Hotel
- 671 Klang Lane (KEM1)
- 688 Chander Road (BKE1)
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Today’s worship service: The Gospel of John Sermon Series Part 1: BELIEVE in God with us Scripture: John 1:1-18 Preacher: Rev Peace Choi https://foochowmc.org.sg/our-service/english-service/ Worship Service will start from 8am. #John #Gospel #john #BELIEVE #God #scripture #sermon #church #methodist #methodistchurch #foochowmethodistchurch
约翰福音 John 1:9-13 那光是真光,来到世上,照亮所有的人。The true light, which gives light to everyone, was coming into the world. 主前七百多年,以赛亚先知说:【在黑暗中行走的百姓看见了大光;住在死荫之地的人有光照耀他们。】(赛九2)这一预言随着主耶稣的降生已经应验了。使徒约翰见证说:【那光是真光,来到世上,照亮所有的人。】(9节) 光的所有功能都在【道】(基督)里面得到彰显。 光驱逐黑暗,凡信靠祂的,就不在黑暗里,而成为光明之子; 光使人看见,基督来使瞎眼的得看见,使坐在死荫之地的人看见了大光; 光产生食物,供应人的生理需要,基督是生命的粮,寻找祂的人就不再饥渴; 光指引方向,基督是道路、真理、生命,若不藉着祂没有人能到父那里去; 光给人温暖,祂的话温暖人心,给人安慰、激励和盼望; 光医治疾病,基督是大医生,给人带来身心灵的健康; 如今真光已来到,这是每年的圣诞节都会宣讲的主题--耶稣基督是世界的光,靠近祂的人有福了。 光是如此的美好,【世界却不认识他……自己的人并不接纳他。】(10-11节)约翰福音所展现出来的「世界」,大多是指抵挡神的世俗社会体系。「世界」因拒绝了光,越来越黑暗。但光并不因着「自己的人」不接待而消失,因为黑暗总不能胜过光。仍有人信祂的名并接纳祂,【他就赐他们权柄作上帝的儿女。】(12节) 就如旧约时代,虽然以色列整体上是悖逆顶嘴的百姓,但始终有余民信靠敬畏祂; 又如耶稣时代,虽然大多数人拒绝、敌对祂,但还有一小部分的人信靠和跟随祂; 如今的「世界」还是一样,依然悖逆和拒绝真光,但上帝不是拣选了你和我,并赐给我们权柄继续来传递这光吗?使徒约翰说:【这等人不是从血气生的,不是从情欲生的,也不是从人意生的,乃是从神生的。】(14节) 没有出生就没有生命。在上帝的国度里也一样,要【从神生的】才能成为祂的儿女。当上帝的道与人的信相遇时,人里面的灵才会有新生命冒出来。这表现在人愿意接待和相信祂的名;并愿意让基督在他个人的生命中掌权,并藉着道不断来浇灌使自己成长,这是成为天国儿女唯一的办法,只有靠近光神才赐给他权柄去传递这真光。 思考:我是从神生的吗?我要如何传递光? 祷告: 为了爱而来到世界的主耶稣,求祢的光先来照亮和重塑我成为合祢心意的儿女。让我的生命能够见证祢的光,并常常为祢发光照亮更多的人。奉主耶稣基督宝贵圣名祷告,阿们! #methodistchurch #foochowmethodistchurch #Sermon #devotion #dailydevotion #scripture #john #true #light #everyone #coming #world
今主日华榕语崇拜(直播) 约翰福音证道系列(一): 相信:上帝在我们中间 经文 : 约翰福音1:1-18 讲员: 李文花传道 华语 - 9点30分 线上崇拜(直播)及电子次序单 - https://foochowmc.org.sg/zh/chongbai/huayuchongbai/ 榕语 - 11点15分 线上崇拜 (直播)及电子次序单 - https://foochowmc.org.sg/zh/chongbai/rongyuchongbai/